Dec 8, 2023Liked by Jon Tromans

For what it's worth, I think the combo of Todoist and Evernote is great; but todoist does tasks better. And obviously Evernote does note-taking an data capturing better. So I use them for their intended function. I still keep notes of client tasks in Evernote (it's a simple check list rather than "tasks"); I still track projects and initiatives in Evernotes. I make a todist task that points me to my client "stuff" in Evernote, when I know that I need to do client stuff. From there I use Evernote.

In short, I love the two together. I think it's a good move (back)!

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jon Tromans

Agree with JC.

My path was a bit reversed from Jon's. I had been using Evernote for years, and created all kinds of tagging workarounds to have a quasi-GTD task tracking system. Then when EN introduced tasks, I liked the feature well enough. As I used it more, I kept running into limitations, which led me to explore whether a standalone task manager would be helpful, which led me to Todoist. I have loved Todoist, and regret that I didn't start using it earlier.

To my mind, it's unlikely that EN will catch up to Todoist in terms of managing tasks. As EN makes advances with tasks, Todoist will also add new features (e.g. task duration, some AI features, calendar view). For someone with simpler task management needs, EN is more than sufficient. But anyone with more complex needs that would benefit from projects, filters, board view, calendar view and the like would be better off using Todoist for that purpose.'

EN and Todoist "play well together", and I have the funds to pay for both, so I'm not really bothered by regularly using two apps. But agree that "it would be great for everything to be in one place"!

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I hear from a a lot of folks who use EN and TD together. Both great apps. I love the simplicity and minimalism of Todoist.

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Todoist is amazing and I don't use half the features but its smooth as butter to use. So many ways to get tasks in. I shout tasks at Alexa and they end up in there. Totally agree they work well together but it would be great for everything to be in one place. One day!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Jon Tromans

Jon - Thanks for this week's thoughts

Overall, I'm happy with tasks in Evernote, but (like all things) there are a few aspects which could do with a refresh.

I agree task syncing could do with an improvement - I generally find it's best for me to run a sync on my phone before checking through my task list to ensure all is up to date with the last changes I made on my desktop.

The ability to email task into Evernote could be useful - I regularly forward emails into my EN In Box.

Wonder if task flexibility in EN is constrained by tasks having to exist as effectively part of a note ?

Might be good to be able to put a URL in a task?

And, as previously commented, being able to put tasks into an EN table would be very helpful.

I;m sticking with EN tasks for the foreseeable future as I want the number of apps I use to manage my workflows to a minimum. EN tasks work for me so I don't feel I need to consider another app like Todoist.

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I think they're doing a bit of a rewrite of the task system so I'm hoping it will get a little smoother. I love the idea of everything in one place, I've been wanting this since 2008! Its just getting the tasks into Evernote for me, once they solve that it'll be bliss!

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